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Is Leaning How To Make Money Online Difficult?

My name is Garry Conn and learning the business of making money online does not have to be difficult. I want to help and relieve you from the difficulties of learning how to make money online. Take a moment to join my free make money online newsletter. This will open up a direct channel of communication with me and provide you with a pipeline of priceless information that will give you all the secrets in the business of making money online. - join my Make Money Online Newsletter!

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At the bottom of this article, I have another gift that I want to give to you. For now, take a look at this article below and learn how you can successfully increase traffic to your blog by creating articles that have a positive buzz.

Top Ways To Create a Positive Buzz on Your Blog

Written by Garry Conn Republished on June 2nd, 2008

Blogs are like bubbles and the only way you can get your bubble to grow is to fill it up with something. Bubbles need air or gas to expand. Blogs are a little more complicated. Your blog, just like a bubble needs something to fill the void, content. However, the other added element needed, unlike blowing up bubbles, is traffic.

How do you get traffic? There are many ways. For one, you can pay for traffic. I've never done that, but many people do. However, what can you do to get traffic to your blog if you can't afford to pay for it? How can you get free traffic to your blog? You have great content, you've got a nice looking blog, but you don't have traffic... how do I do this? How do I get traffic?

That is where the buzz factor kicks in. There are many ways to generate a buzz. Some people offer contests, some people create blog memes and others write posts on controversial topics. Along with the various buzz building tactics comes a reaction. A reaction is the result of blog buzz. The reactions are either negative or they are positive.

Depending on what kind of buzz tactic you use will warrant which kind of reaction you get. So the key to getting traffic is by creating a buzz. But, within that, it is advisable that you create a buzz that scores a positive reaction. Otherwise, your create one hit wonder traffic, which are people who visit your blog and don't like what they see and never will return again.

So far you have learned this:

  1. A blog needs content to grow just as a bubble needs air to expand.

  2. A blog has an added element in growing, unlike a bubble, and that is traffic.

  3. Traffic is generated by creating a buzz.

  4. A reaction is resulted from a buzz.

  5. A reaction can be either positive or negative.

  6. A positive reaction is what you should set goals towards achieving.

How Do You Create A Positive Buzz?

Here are a few off the wall ideas on how you can create a positive buzz on your blog. A positive buzz will convert visitors into regular readers. Regular readers create what I call a "Bubble Environment". A bubble environment is an environment that is encased by boundaries. It is a place that people feel safe and some can even call it home.

A bubble environment is something you want your blog to become for as many people as possible. The more people who are in your bubble, the bigger and stronger your bubble gets.

To create a bubble blog environment, you have to understand that basics needs of people in regards to what people look for in blogs. I call this, SEMI.

Use SEMI Buzz Tactics

  1. Stimulate. People want to stimulate their brains. Our brains are filled with thousands of pulsing receptors that need to be stimulated at all times.

  2. Entertain. People want to be entertained. Why else do we have The Comedy Channel and a million and one Blond Jokes?

  3. Motivate. People want to feel good. They want to be encouraged and supported. People want to be motivated and pushed towards achieving things.

  4. Informed. People want to be aware. We want to know whats going on, how did it happen, who was the cause of it, when did this happen and where do I go?

Now, in the process of creating a positive buzz, you should remember SEMI and ask yourself this, "Is my post going to stimulate, entertain, motivate or inform people?" If you can get a yes for all four questions, you then have yourself an excellent post!

Now doesn't that sound great? Much better than your typical random ramblings, cheesy blog memes and link list posts. It doesn't matter what topic you have chosen for your blog, you have an audience. The best way to reach out to your audience is to give them SEMI!

Take what you have learned in this post and write one today that follows the basic rules of SEMI and watch the traffic start to pour into your blog.

Win A Free Review on Garry Conn dot Com

You are well aware of the importance of getting traffic and readers to your blog. I have a huge opportunity for you to win a free review on my blog which will greatly help you towards getting a ton of traffic and a new wave of readers to your blog.

All you have to do is download a copy of this article that you just read, copy the HTML contents and publish it on your own blog. After you do that, then drop me a comment here and join my free make money online newsletter. From there you're enrolled! I will be drawing names twice a month to score free reviews on my blog. So the odds are truly in your favor to win!

Make Money Online with Garry Conn

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posted by shaners @ 10:41 AM,


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